Friday, February 5, 2010

Six Month Check-Up

Weight: 17 lbs 10 oz
Length: 27 1/2 inches

Brogan is now sitting unassisted; reaching for and grabbing anything in sight; making all kinds of new expressions such as "are you kidding?", "are you crazy?", "I really want to figure out how to work this thing", "I want to stick the remote control in my mouth real bad", "that tastes like garbage and I'm not going to swallow it", and many more.

Brogan also has started reaching for you when he wants to be picked up and saying syllables like Ni, Na, Meh, De, Da, Geh.

He loves to shake, whack, and then drop anything. Basically, Brogan is six months old.


  1. Oh my gosh he is just sooo cute. Can't wait to see him!
