Friday, November 19, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

San Francisco 2010

Here are some photos from our trip to SF!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Good Cat

Brooke: Diego's all wet...

Friday, August 20, 2010

One Year!

22 lbs
31 inches

Brogan turned 1 on August 17. I will post photos soon - I haven't gone through all of them yet. He is busy practicing walking, standing up without holding onto anything, signing for "more", and using a spoon. He loves to play with his toy car - pushing it along while making engine noises. His favorite activity is to walk around the corner with his push wagon and watch the L trains go by. He's made lots of friends in the neighborhood along the route - both human and canine.

Brogan jabbers constantly but doesn't have any consistent words yet. He says "duk-duk" for the duck blanket he sleeps with. And "dada" for Fritz (and a lot of other things!). I can tell, though, that lots of words are coming soon. The boy seems to have a LOT on his mind!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Weekend in Michigan

Click on the link to see photos of our weekend trip to Michigan. We went with two other couples and their babies. We stayed at one of our friend's parents' house and had a fantastic time.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Pool

Look at those chompers!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

9 Month Check Up

20lbs 9oz

Brogan had his 9 month check up yesterday. Brogan is pulling himself up to a stand, picking things up while standing, lowering himself back down to sitting, crawling like a madman, jabbering, babbling, eating lots of food (more and more table and finger food), clapping, and, as of yesterday, clucking. He bangs anything he can get his hands on together/on the table/on the floor/against his own head. He is starting to figure out pointing. And he loves following (really slow chasing) the cats.

Oh and he now has 3 teeth (one just broke through on the top) and is working on number 4.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Brogan is officially crawling. This morning he crawled from the living room into the bathroom. He already loves all things electronic. Oh man, this is the beginning of a whole new phase.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sweet Bo

Advanced Bath

More eating

Much to his Grandpa Dirk's delight, Brogan likes broccoli.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Tooth!

Playing with a wooden spoon and bread tin at Grandma and Grandpa D's.
Brogan and Fritz get into March Madness.

Brogan has been clingy today and unusually fussy. I took his temperature. Normal. I worried that this was a new phase of high maintenance Bo. And then I felt it. A sharp little tooth top right there on the bottom left. Bo's first tooth!

Brogan's brain must be working overtime - there are so many things going on with him these days. He's eating a lot more solid food (apple sauce, butternut squash, sweet potato, white potato, broccoli, yogurt, blueberries, banana, avocado, peach, pear, mango, whole wheat waffle, some bread, brown rice, green beans, peas, tomato, cheddar cheese and probably more I can't remember). He loves to stand up (can't pull himself up, but if you help him up he can stand up and hold onto something). He's rolling, lunging from sitting onto his stomach, spinning in circles on his stomach, desperately trying to move (but only managing to go backward at the moment). He's been sleeping through the night 7pm to 6:30am. Brogan's been babbling a ton and really starting to show his will (suddenly he cries if you take something good away from him or if he doesn't feel like getting his diaper changed, etc). He's working hard on his pincer grasp and is able to pick up smaller and smaller things.

And now he's got a tooth.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter! We spent the day with my parents. Brogan wore his dress-up clothes and looked really sharp. He also practiced wearing the sun glasses that our neighbor lent us.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mr. Wiggles

These days Brogan is always busy. He is a wiggling, grabbing, cat loving machine.

Pirate Park

We met up with Lucy and she showed Brogan the lay of the land.